Build Instructions ================== **Note:** The most up-to-date build instructions are embedded in a set of scripts bundled in the FBGEMM repo under `setup_env.bash `_. The currently available FBGEMM_GPU build variants are: * CPU-only * CUDA * GenAI (experimental) * ROCm The general steps for building FBGEMM_GPU are as follows: #. Set up an isolated build environment. #. Set up the toolchain for either a CPU-only, CUDA, or ROCm build. #. Install PyTorch. #. Run the build script. .. Set Up an Isolated Build Environment ------------------------------------ Install Miniconda ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Setting up a `Miniconda `__ environment is recommended for reproducible builds: .. code:: sh export PLATFORM_NAME="$(uname -s)-$(uname -m)" # Set the Miniconda prefix directory miniconda_prefix=$HOME/miniconda # Download the Miniconda installer wget -q "${PLATFORM_NAME}.sh" -O # Run the installer bash -b -p "$miniconda_prefix" -u # Load the shortcuts . ~/.bashrc # Run updates conda update -n base -c defaults -y conda From here on out, all installation commands will be run against or inside a Conda environment. Set Up the Conda Environment ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Create a Conda environment with the specified Python version: .. code:: sh env_name= python_version=3.13 # Create the environment conda create -y --name ${env_name} python="${python_version}" # Upgrade PIP and pyOpenSSL package conda run -n ${env_name} pip install --upgrade pip conda run -n ${env_name} python -m pip install pyOpenSSL>22.1.0 Set Up for CPU-Only Build ------------------------- Follow the instructions for setting up the Conda environment at :ref:``, followed by :ref:``. Set Up for CUDA / GenAI-Only Build ---------------------------------- The CUDA build of FBGEMM_GPU requires a recent version of ``nvcc`` **that supports compute capability 3.5+**. Setting the machine up for CUDA builds of FBGEMM_GPU can be done either through pre-built Docker images or through Conda installation on bare metal. Note that neither a GPU nor the NVIDIA drivers need to be present for builds, since they are only used at runtime. .. CUDA Docker Image ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For setups through Docker, simply pull the pre-installed `Docker image for CUDA `__ for the desired Linux distribution and CUDA version. .. code:: sh # Run for Ubuntu 22.04, CUDA 11.8 docker run -it --entrypoint "/bin/bash" nvidia/cuda:11.8.0-devel-ubuntu22.04 From here, the rest of the build environment may be constructed through Conda, as it is still the recommended mechanism for creating an isolated and reproducible build environment. .. Install CUDA ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Install the full CUDA package through Conda, which includes `NVML `__: .. code:: sh # See for all available versions of CUDA cuda_version=12.4.1 # Install the full CUDA package conda install -n ${env_name} -y cuda -c "nvidia/label/cuda-${cuda_version}" Verify that ``cuda_runtime.h``, ````, and ``*`` are found: .. code:: sh conda_prefix=$(conda run -n ${env_name} printenv CONDA_PREFIX) find "${conda_prefix}" -name cuda_runtime.h find "${conda_prefix}" -name find "${conda_prefix}" -name* Install cuDNN ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `cuDNN `__ is a build-time dependency for the CUDA variant of FBGEMM_GPU. Download and extract the cuDNN package for the given CUDA version: .. code:: sh # cuDNN package URLs for each platform and CUDA version can be found in: # cudnn_url= # Download and unpack cuDNN wget -q "${cudnn_url}" -O cudnn.tar.xz tar -xvf cudnn.tar.xz Install CUTLASS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This section is only applicable to building the experimental FBGEMM_GPU GenAI module. CUTLASS should be already be available in the repository as a git submodule (see :ref:``). The following include paths are already added to the CMake configuration: .. code:: cmake set(THIRDPARTY ${FBGEMM}/external) ${THIRDPARTY}/cutlass/include ${THIRDPARTY}/cutlass/tools/util/include Set Up for ROCm Build --------------------- FBGEMM_GPU supports running on AMD (ROCm) devices. Setting the machine up for ROCm builds of FBGEMM_GPU can be done either through pre-built Docker images or through bare metal. .. ROCm Docker Image ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For setups through Docker, simply pull the pre-installed `Minimal Docker image for ROCm `__ for the desired ROCm version: .. code:: sh # Run for ROCm 6.2.0 docker run -it --entrypoint "/bin/bash" rocm/rocm-terminal:6.2.0 While the `full ROCm Docker image `__ comes with all ROCm packages pre-installed, it results in a very large Docker container, and so for this reason, the minimal image is recommended for building and running FBGEMM_GPU. From here, the rest of the build environment may be constructed through Conda, as it is still the recommended mechanism for creating an isolated and reproducible build environment. .. Install ROCm ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Install the full ROCm package through the operating system package manager. The full instructions can be found in the `ROCm installation guide `__: .. code:: sh # [OPTIONAL] Disable apt installation prompts export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive # Update the repo DB apt update # Download the installer wget -q -O amdgpu-install.deb # Run the installer apt install ./amdgpu-install.deb # Install ROCm amdgpu-install -y --usecase=hiplibsdk,rocm --no-dkms Install MIOpen ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `MIOpen `__ is a dependency for the ROCm variant of FBGEMM_GPU that needs to be installed: .. code:: sh apt install hipify-clang miopen-hip miopen-hip-dev .. Install the Build Tools ----------------------- The instructions in this section apply to builds for all variants of FBGEMM_GPU. .. C/C++ Compiler (GCC) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Install a version of the GCC toolchain **that supports C++20**. The ``sysroot`` package will also need to be installed to avoid issues with missing versioned symbols with ``GLIBCXX`` when compiling FBGEMM_CPU: .. code:: sh # Set GCC to 10.4.0 to keep compatibility with older versions of GLIBCXX # # A newer versions of GCC also works, but will need to be accompanied by an # appropriate updated version of the sysroot_linux package. gcc_version=10.4.0 conda install -n ${env_name} -c conda-forge --override-channels -y \ gxx_linux-64=${gcc_version} \ sysroot_linux-64=2.17 While newer versions of GCC can be used, binaries compiled under newer versions of GCC will not be compatible with older systems such as Ubuntu 20.04 or CentOS Stream 8, because the compiled library will reference symbols from versions of ``GLIBCXX`` that the system’s ```` will not support. To see what versions of GLIBC and GLIBCXX the available ```` supports: .. code:: sh libcxx_path=/path/to/ # Print supported for GLIBC versions objdump -TC "${libcxx_path}" | grep GLIBC_ | sed 's/.*GLIBC_\([.0-9]*\).*/GLIBC_\1/g' | sort -Vu | cat # Print supported for GLIBCXX versions objdump -TC "${libcxx_path}" | grep GLIBCXX_ | sed 's/.*GLIBCXX_\([.0-9]*\).*/GLIBCXX_\1/g' | sort -Vu | cat .. C/C++ Compiler (Clang) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It is possible to build FBGEMM and FBGEMM_GPU (just the CPU and CUDA variants) using Clang as the host compiler. To do so, install a version of the Clang toolchain **that supports C++20**: .. code:: sh # Minimum LLVM+Clang version required for FBGEMM_GPU llvm_version=16.0.6 # NOTE: libcxx from conda-forge is outdated for linux-aarch64, so we cannot # explicitly specify the version number conda install -n ${env_name} -c conda-forge --override-channels -y \ clangxx=${llvm_version} \ libcxx \ llvm-openmp=${llvm_version} \ compiler-rt=${llvm_version} # Append $CONDA_PREFIX/lib to $LD_LIBRARY_PATH in the Conda environment ld_library_path=$(conda run -n ${env_name} printenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH) conda_prefix=$(conda run -n ${env_name} printenv CONDA_PREFIX) conda env config vars set -n ${env_name} LD_LIBRARY_PATH="${ld_library_path}:${conda_prefix}/lib" # Set NVCC_PREPEND_FLAGS in the Conda environment for Clang to work correctly as the host compiler conda env config vars set -n ${env_name} NVCC_PREPEND_FLAGS=\"-std=c++20 -Xcompiler -std=c++20 -Xcompiler -stdlib=libstdc++ -ccbin ${clangxx_path} -allow-unsupported-compiler\" **Note** that for CUDA code compilation, even though ``nvcc`` supports Clang as the host compiler, only ``libstd++`` (GCC's implementation of the C++ standard library) is supported for any host compiler being used by ``nvcc``. This means that GCC is a required dependency for CUDA variant of FBGEMM_GPU, regardless of whether it is built with Clang or not. In this scenario, it is recommended to first install the GCC toolchain before installing the Clang toolchain in this scenario; see :ref:`` for instructions. Compiler Symlinks ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ After installing the compiler toolchains, symlink the C and C++ compilers to the binpath (override existing symlinks as needed). In a Conda environment, the binpath is located at ``$CONDA_PREFIX/bin``: .. code:: sh conda_prefix=$(conda run -n ${env_name} printenv CONDA_PREFIX) ln -sf "${path_to_either_gcc_or_clang}" "$(conda_prefix)/bin/cc" ln -sf "${path_to_either_gcc_or_clang}" "$(conda_prefix)/bin/c++" These symlinks will be used later in the FBGEMM_GPU build configuration stage. Other Build Tools ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Install the other necessary build tools such as ``ninja``, ``cmake``, etc: .. code:: sh conda install -n ${env_name} -c conda-forge --override-channels -y \ click \ cmake \ hypothesis \ jinja2 \ make \ ncurses \ ninja \ numpy \ scikit-build \ wheel .. Install PyTorch --------------- The official `PyTorch Homepage `__ contains the most authoritative instructions on how to install PyTorch, either through Conda or through PIP. Installation Through Conda ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code:: sh # Install the latest nightly conda install -n ${env_name} -y pytorch -c pytorch-nightly # Install the latest test (RC) conda install -n ${env_name} -y pytorch -c pytorch-test # Install a specific version conda install -n ${env_name} -y pytorch==2.0.0 -c pytorch Note that installing PyTorch through Conda without specifying a version (as in the case of nightly builds) may not always be reliable. For example, it is known that the GPU builds for PyTorch nightlies arrive in Conda 2 hours later than the CPU-only builds. As such, a Conda installation of ``pytorch-nightly`` in that time window will silently fall back to installing the CPU-only variant. Also note that, because both the GPU and CPU-only versions of PyTorch are placed into the same artifact bucket, the PyTorch variant that is selected during installation will depend on whether or not CUDA is installed on the system. Thus for GPU builds, it is important to install CUDA / ROCm first prior to PyTorch. Installation Through PyTorch PIP ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Installing PyTorch through PyTorch PIP is recommended over Conda as it is much more deterministic and thus reliable: .. code:: sh # Install the latest nightly, CPU variant conda run -n ${env_name} pip install --pre torch --index-url # Install the latest test (RC), CUDA variant conda run -n ${env_name} pip install --pre torch --index-url # Install a specific version, CUDA variant conda run -n ${env_name} pip install torch==2.6.0+cu126 --index-url # Install the latest nightly, ROCm variant conda run -n ${env_name} pip install --pre torch --index-url For installing the ROCm variant of PyTorch, PyTorch PIP is the only available channel as of time of writing. Post-Install Checks ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Verify the PyTorch installation (both version and variant) with an ``import`` test: .. code:: sh # Ensure that the package loads properly conda run -n ${env_name} python -c "import torch.distributed" # Verify the version and variant of the installation conda run -n ${env_name} python -c "import torch; print(torch.__version__)" For the CUDA variant of PyTorch, verify that at the minimum ``cuda_cmake_macros.h`` is found: .. code:: sh conda_prefix=$(conda run -n ${env_name} printenv CONDA_PREFIX) find "${conda_prefix}" -name cuda_cmake_macros.h Install PyTorch-Triton ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This section is only applicable to building the experimental FBGEMM_GPU Triton-GEMM module. Triton should be installed via the ``pytorch-triton``, which generally comes installing ``torch``, but can also be installed manually: .. code:: sh # pytorch-triton repos: # # # The version SHA should follow the one pinned in PyTorch # conda run -n ${env_name} pip install --pre pytorch-triton==3.0.0+dedb7bdf33 --index-url Verify the PyTorch-Triton installation with an ``import`` test: .. code:: sh # Ensure that the package loads properly conda run -n ${env_name} python -c "import triton" Other Pre-Build Setup --------------------- .. Preparing the Build ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Clone the repo along with its submodules, and install the ``requirements.txt``: .. code:: sh # !! Run inside the Conda environment !! # Select a version tag FBGEMM_VERSION=v1.0.0 # Clone the repo along with its submodules git clone --recursive -b ${FBGEMM_VERSION} fbgemm_${FBGEMM_VERSION} # Install additional required packages for building and testing cd fbgemm_${FBGEMM_VERSION}/fbgemm_gpu pip install -r requirements.txt The Build Process ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The FBGEMM_GPU build process uses a scikit-build CMake-based build flow, and it keeps state across install runs. As such, builds can become stale and can cause problems when re-runs are attempted after a build failure due to missing dependencies, etc. To address this, simply clear the build cache: .. code:: sh # !! Run in fbgemm_gpu/ directory inside the Conda environment !! python clean Set Wheel Build Variables ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When building out the Python wheel, the package name, Python version tag, and Python platform name must first be properly set: .. code:: sh # Set the package name depending on the build variant export package_name=fbgemm_gpu_{cpu, cuda, rocm} # Set the Python version tag. It should follow the convention `py`, # e.g. Python 3.13 --> py313 export python_tag=py313 # Determine the processor architecture export ARCH=$(uname -m) # Set the Python platform name for the Linux case export python_plat_name="manylinux_2_28_${ARCH}" # For the macOS (x86_64) case export python_plat_name="macosx_10_9_${ARCH}" # For the macOS (arm64) case export python_plat_name="macosx_11_0_${ARCH}" # For the Windows case export python_plat_name="win_${ARCH}" .. CPU-Only Build -------------- For CPU-only builds, the ``--cpu_only`` flag needs to be specified. .. code:: sh # !! Run in fbgemm_gpu/ directory inside the Conda environment !! # Build the wheel artifact only python bdist_wheel \ --package_variant=cpu \ --python-tag="${python_tag}" \ --plat-name="${python_plat_name}" # Build and install the library into the Conda environment (GCC) python install \ --package_variant=cpu To build using Clang + ``libstdc++`` instead of GCC, simply append the ``--cxxprefix`` flag: .. code:: sh # !! Run in fbgemm_gpu/ directory inside the Conda environment !! # Build the wheel artifact only python bdist_wheel \ --package_variant=cpu \ --python-tag="${python_tag}" \ --plat-name="${python_plat_name}" \ --cxxprefix=$CONDA_PREFIX # Build and install the library into the Conda environment (Clang) python install \ --package_variant=cpu --cxxprefix=$CONDA_PREFIX Note that this presumes the Clang toolchain is properly installed along with the GCC toolchain, and is made available as ``${cxxprefix}/bin/cc`` and ``${cxxprefix}/bin/c++``. To enable runtime debug features, such as device-side assertions in CUDA and HIP, simply append the ``--debug`` flag when invoking ````. .. CUDA Build ---------- Building FBGEMM_GPU for CUDA requires both NVML and cuDNN to be installed and made available to the build through environment variables. The presence of a CUDA device, however, is not required for building the package. Similar to CPU-only builds, building with Clang + ``libstdc++`` can be enabled by appending ``--cxxprefix=$CONDA_PREFIX`` to the build command, presuming the toolchains have been properly installed. .. code:: sh # !! Run in fbgemm_gpu/ directory inside the Conda environment !! # [OPTIONAL] Specify the CUDA installation paths # This may be required if CMake is unable to find nvcc export CUDACXX=/path/to/nvcc export CUDA_BIN_PATH=/path/to/cuda/installation # [OPTIONAL] Provide the CUB installation directory (applicable only to CUDA versions prior to 11.1) export CUB_DIR=/path/to/cub # [OPTIONAL] Allow NVCC to use host compilers that are newer than what NVCC officially supports nvcc_prepend_flags=( -allow-unsupported-compiler ) # [OPTIONAL] If clang is the host compiler, set NVCC to use libstdc++ since libc++ is not supported nvcc_prepend_flags+=( -Xcompiler -stdlib=libstdc++ -ccbin "/path/to/clang++" ) # [OPTIONAL] Set NVCC_PREPEND_FLAGS as needed export NVCC_PREPEND_FLAGS="${nvcc_prepend_flags[@]}" # [OPTIONAL] Enable verbose NVCC logs export NVCC_VERBOSE=1 # Specify cuDNN header and library paths export CUDNN_INCLUDE_DIR=/path/to/cudnn/include export CUDNN_LIBRARY=/path/to/cudnn/lib # Specify NVML filepath export NVML_LIB_PATH=/path/to/ # Specify NCCL filepath export NCCL_LIB_PATH=/path/to/ # Build for SM70/80 (V100/A100 GPU); update as needed # If not specified, only the CUDA architecture supported by current system will be targeted # If not specified and no CUDA device is present either, all CUDA architectures will be targeted cuda_arch_list=7.0;8.0 # Unset TORCH_CUDA_ARCH_LIST if it exists, bc it takes precedence over # -DTORCH_CUDA_ARCH_LIST during the invocation of unset TORCH_CUDA_ARCH_LIST # Build the wheel artifact only python bdist_wheel \ --package_variant=cuda \ --python-tag="${python_tag}" \ --plat-name="${python_plat_name}" \ --nvml_lib_path=${NVML_LIB_PATH} \ --nccl_lib_path=${NCCL_LIB_PATH} \ -DTORCH_CUDA_ARCH_LIST="${cuda_arch_list}" # Build and install the library into the Conda environment python install \ --package_variant=cuda \ --nvml_lib_path=${NVML_LIB_PATH} \ --nccl_lib_path=${NCCL_LIB_PATH} \ -DTORCH_CUDA_ARCH_LIST="${cuda_arch_list}" .. GenAI-Only Build ---------------- By default, the CUDA build of FBGEMM_GPU includes all experimental modules that are used for GenAI applications. The instructions for building just the experimental modules are the same as those for a CUDA build, but with specifying ``--package_variant=genai`` in the build invocation: .. code:: sh # Build the wheel artifact only python bdist_wheel \ --package_variant=genai \ --python-tag="${python_tag}" \ --plat-name="${python_plat_name}" \ --nvml_lib_path=${NVML_LIB_PATH} \ --nccl_lib_path=${NCCL_LIB_PATH} \ -DTORCH_CUDA_ARCH_LIST="${cuda_arch_list}" # Build and install the library into the Conda environment python install \ --package_variant=genai \ --nvml_lib_path=${NVML_LIB_PATH} \ --nccl_lib_path=${NCCL_LIB_PATH} \ -DTORCH_CUDA_ARCH_LIST="${cuda_arch_list}" Note that currently, only CUDA is supported for the experimental modules. .. ROCm Build ---------- For ROCm builds, ``ROCM_PATH`` and ``PYTORCH_ROCM_ARCH`` need to be specified. The presence of a ROCm device, however, is not required for building the package. Similar to CPU-only and CUDA builds, building with Clang + ``libstdc++`` can be enabled by appending ``--cxxprefix=$CONDA_PREFIX`` to the build command, presuming the toolchains have been properly installed. .. code:: sh # !! Run in fbgemm_gpu/ directory inside the Conda environment !! export ROCM_PATH=/path/to/rocm # [OPTIONAL] Enable verbose HIPCC logs export HIPCC_VERBOSE=1 # Build for the target architecture of the ROCm device installed on the machine (e.g. 'gfx908,gfx90a,gfx942') # See for list export PYTORCH_ROCM_ARCH=$(${ROCM_PATH}/bin/rocminfo | grep -o -m 1 'gfx.*') # Build the wheel artifact only python bdist_wheel \ --package_variant=rocm \ --python-tag="${python_tag}" \ --plat-name="${python_plat_name}" \ -DAMDGPU_TARGETS="${PYTORCH_ROCM_ARCH}" \ -DHIP_ROOT_DIR="${ROCM_PATH}" \ -DCMAKE_C_FLAGS="-DTORCH_USE_HIP_DSA" \ -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="-DTORCH_USE_HIP_DSA" # Build and install the library into the Conda environment python install \ --package_variant=rocm \ -DAMDGPU_TARGETS="${PYTORCH_ROCM_ARCH}" \ -DHIP_ROOT_DIR="${ROCM_PATH}" \ -DCMAKE_C_FLAGS="-DTORCH_USE_HIP_DSA" \ -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="-DTORCH_USE_HIP_DSA" Post-Build Checks (For Developers) ---------------------------------- After the build completes, it is useful to run some checks that verify that the build is actually correct. Undefined Symbols Check ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Because FBGEMM_GPU contains a lot of Jinja and C++ template instantiations, it is important to make sure that there are no undefined symbols that are accidentally generated over the course of development: .. code:: sh # !! Run in fbgemm_gpu/ directory inside the Conda environment !! # Locate the built .SO file fbgemm_gpu_lib_path=$(find . -name # Check that the undefined symbols don't include fbgemm_gpu-defined functions nm -gDCu "${fbgemm_gpu_lib_path}" | sort GLIBC Version Compatibility Check ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It is also useful to verify that the version numbers of GLIBCXX referenced as well as the availability of certain function symbols: .. code:: sh # !! Run in fbgemm_gpu/ directory inside the Conda environment !! # Locate the built .SO file fbgemm_gpu_lib_path=$(find . -name # Note the versions of GLIBCXX referenced by the .SO # The available on the install target must support these versions objdump -TC "${fbgemm_gpu_lib_path}" | grep GLIBCXX | sed 's/.*GLIBCXX_\([.0-9]*\).*/GLIBCXX_\1/g' | sort -Vu | cat # Test for the existence of a given function symbol in the .SO nm -gDC "${fbgemm_gpu_lib_path}" | grep " fbgemm_gpu::merge_pooled_embeddings(" nm -gDC "${fbgemm_gpu_lib_path}" | grep " fbgemm_gpu::jagged_2d_to_dense("